sábado, 6 de novembro de 2010

Mais uma contribuição do Gustavo - o maior erro da vida de um cara que não confiou no futuro do Google

Redditor ZestyPing’s response to the recent AskReddit: “What’s the most expensive mistake you’ve made at work?“:

   I met both Carl Page and Larry Page at a party hosted by a Stanford friend of mine in 1998. Carl gave me his card for eGroups and said “we’re hiring”. Larry gave me his card for Google—a flimsy bit of paper obviously printed by bubble jet—and said “we’re hiring”.

    I said, “Nah, who needs another search engine?” and went to graduate school.

    I still have the card.

You are now free to feel better about any bad decision you’ve ever made.  Happy Monday!

Posted via email from edsaiani's posterous

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